Assigned Police Patrol Zones

Cartersville Police Department logo

 Three zones:

  • North Zone 
  • Central Zone
  • South Zone
  • Community Connection
  • Partnerships
  • Relentless follow-up
  • Win-win situation

Zone Commanders Responsibilities
Zone Commanders are responsible for Planned and Focused Activities in their respective zones. We refer to this as "S.A.R.A" an acronym for SCAN, ANALYZE, RESPONSE, ASSESS. This aids in "HOT SPOT" identification. They are to develop partnerships with other City departments to make the correction of problems easier to resolve. They can also be depended on to use all agency resources to solve problems through timely reporting of problems, attending community functions, and being Problem Solvers themselves. Each Zone Commander will host quarterly meetings in their assigned zones to allow for public input and communication about problems. The Zone Commanders may be contacted by phone, email or by written letter to The Cartersville Police Department, P.O. Box 1390, Cartersville, Ga. 30120

B.Y. Cole B. Y. Cole Lieutenant - Patrol 770-607-3605
D.R. Cole D. R. Cole Lieutenant - Patrol 770 606-6995
Ibarra24 J.A. Ibarra Lieutenant - Patrol 770-606-6996
K. W. Logue K. W. Logue Lieutenant - Patrol 770 606-6986