What's the Frequency?

  • AMI runs on the Sensus FlexNet communication network, which securely and reliably transmits consumption data on the industry’s only private, storm-hardened network
  • Smart meters only typically emit about one watt of radio frequency. In comparison to cell phones and wireless routers, which emit anywhere from one to two watts. Smart meters also transmit radio signals only once every four hours, with each transmission lasting 5/1000ths of a second
  • The FlexNet communication network is private, which means you’ll never have transmission interference or have to share frequencies
  • The AMI network is designed for 100% coverage, even during major storm events, delivering two times the redundancy as compared to the competition, who operate in crowded, unpredictable and unlicensed environments
  • In the point-to-multipoint architecture used by Sensus, routing is very deterministic. All endpoints transmit their data and all collectors that receive the message pass it to the head end system. No routing is required, but a log is maintained as to the communication statistics and the collectors that each endpoint uses to communicate

Source: UMS